A car lockout is one of the most frustrating experiences you can have. But, with the right techniques, you can regain access to your car without damaging it.

AAA members can get free lockout service (how much depends on the membership level). A key locator is a small device that attaches to your keychain and connects to an app on your phone.

Bluetooth key trackers

Many of our auto locksmith customers ask about the best ways to prevent losing their keys. One method that has gained popularity is Bluetooth key trackers, which use the wireless technology to connect to a smartphone.

These devices are small and easily slip into your wallet, purse or key fob. When you press a button in the app that comes with the device, it will emit a loud noise to help you find it. If the item ventures out of Bluetooth connection range, the app will display its last known location on a map.

Most Bluetooth trackers have replaceable batteries and are usually rated for up to a year of use. They do not use the GPS on your phone to locate the device, which means they cannot be hacked by hackers. A few models also come with extra features, such as the ability to make your smartphone ring, which can be useful if you’ve lost both your keys and your phone.

Automakers’ smartphone apps

The brave new world of smartphone apps is spreading to cars, thanks to automakers casting about for ways to connect with owners and brand fans. Apps that extend phone capabilities into vehicles can help with everything from locating dealers to ordering spare tires.

Ford (F) offers a simple remote app called myFord Mobile that allows drivers to lock or unlock their vehicle and locate it. General Motors’ OnStar service has a similar app that lets users start their Buick, Cadillac or Chevrolet from anywhere. BMW and Hyundai also offer similar apps, as does Ford’s Lincoln luxury division with its SDL app.

These apps may help with many vehicle operations, but they can be frustrating to use when they don’t work correctly. In fact, problems with in-vehicle apps rank among the top three most problematic issues in JD Power’s 2021 U.S. Initial Quality Study. The good news is that the fad for smartphone-linked automotive apps isn’t going away, so expect to see improvements in performance over time.

Door-lock flippers

Many automakers offer free roadside assistance services for new or certified pre-owned vehicles for the first few years of ownership. These include car lockout service, so check with your automaker to see if your vehicle is eligible.

Getting locked out of your car is always frustrating, but it’s important to remember that there are several ways to get back in. You can try using a slim jim or a rod like a wire clothes hanger to open your car’s door. However, these methods may damage the vehicle, so it’s better to call a locksmith.

You can also find a reliable car locksmith who offers 24-hour service and uses a professional dispatching system to send notifications in real time to customers, including ETAs and job description detail statuses. The locksmith will then arrive with all the necessary tools to open your car. This will save you the headache of attempting to break in through the window or causing expensive damage to your vehicle.

Coat hangers

We’ve all been there: You’re running late for work or rushing to pick up the kids, and as you slam the car door shut, realize you forgot your keys inside. This stressful event can be avoided with a few precautionary measures, such as keeping a spare key in a safe place or having a roadside assistance service like AAA available.

If you don’t have a spare key, a wire coat hanger can be used as a makeshift tool to unlock the vehicle. Straighten out the end with a hook and insert it between the window and door frame, then try to maneuver it into position to catch and pull on the locking pin to open the car.

If this method doesn’t work, consider using a slim jim—a lockpick that police officers sometimes carry—or fashion your own. Just remember that jockeying a rod or wire hanger into this tight space can be difficult, and improper use can damage the car’s window seals and door components.